At FCA they have created several "enrichment centers" as an exciting hands-on addition to the students' learning experience. These centers are packed with tons of fun but educational activities to enrich and teach many subjects. They are building the stations with all age levels and learning styles in mind--there will be something for everyone! They are in need of many supplies, so take a look at the list below and see if you can help by donating any of the items.
Centers that are currently under construction are:
Science & Biology
Literature & Writing
Math Geography/International Studies
Centers they would like to develop are:
Computer Science
Natural Disasters
List of materials they would like to have donated:
*Pets! A friendly snake and a fish aquarium.
*CD & Cassette Players --Headphones
*Video & DVD Players
*Clear Plastic Shoebox size Totes (to organize games)
*Any Educational Games or Puzzles; Computer Games &
hands on Games
*Educational Videos
*Art Supplies & Books
*Science Supplies
*Educational Books
*Musical Supplies: Instruments of any kind, Musical Encyclopedias
*Plants for Botany Center
*Money to purchase more educational resources!
Items maybe used, as long as they are in good condition. They have had success finding some great items at Goodwill and such.
If you have any items that would apply in these areas, please let me know and I would be happy to come pick them up (within reasonable driving distance) may call the school if you would like more details 765-654-7420.
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Mr. & Mrs. Are Going Away
It isn't often that the Mr. & Mrs. of this household get to go away, but...Jerry has an awards dinner for work tomorrow evening, so we are going to take advantage of it : ) They are putting us up in a hotel, with dinner and as much alcohol as we want, so we figured why not?!?! If you are already praying over the fact that we will be taking advantage of the alcohol, you can stop...we WON'T be joining in on that part of the event! We always slip out the side door when the alcohol starts to be served, so we don't even have any crazy stories to tell you about all the drunks there. Isn't is C-R-A-Z-Y to think people actually find drinking till you pass out, to be fun??? While typing this, I recall a post that Carrie Carter did on this very same topic, what a sad society we live in : ( Thank the Lord I can have fun without touching the alcohol!!!!!! It has NEVER appealed to me, and yes, there have been many times I could have taken advantage of it, but the Lord has spared me from that path in my life, which I am VERY thankful for!!! Anyways, if you don't see us on Sunday, it is because we will be sleeping in and enjoying our time away!
What Are You Worried About???
In my devotions today here is what I read, it is quite interesting, makes you think!
"Do you need clothes or food or a roof over your head? I own the cattle on a thousand hills. Are you worried about your marriage, your career, your children? I am compassionate toward all I have made. Are you anxious because you don't have today what you need for tomorrow? I open my hand to satisfy the desires of every living thing. Are you sick or sorrowful? For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. Are you lonely or fearful? I am with you always, to the very end of the age. These are the promises of our great and faithful King. Pray for the grace today to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well." --So what are you worried about?
Taken from: Speaking the Names of Jesus by Ann Spangler
"Do you need clothes or food or a roof over your head? I own the cattle on a thousand hills. Are you worried about your marriage, your career, your children? I am compassionate toward all I have made. Are you anxious because you don't have today what you need for tomorrow? I open my hand to satisfy the desires of every living thing. Are you sick or sorrowful? For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. Are you lonely or fearful? I am with you always, to the very end of the age. These are the promises of our great and faithful King. Pray for the grace today to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well." --So what are you worried about?
Taken from: Speaking the Names of Jesus by Ann Spangler
Thursday, February 28, 2008
IMAX & IN State Museum Field Trip
On Monday, Talon's class went on a field trip, to the IMAX and the Indiana State Museum a.k.a. the Eiteljorg Museum! I wasn't going to go, but my sister gave me some moola and said go with Talon and have fun. Thanks so much Darlene, that is just what I did!!! I had a great time being a chaperon on this field trip! The kids that were in "my group" were; Talon, Britnee, Janae, Lane, Dymond and Andromida. You parents should be very proud, your kids were a GREAT group to chaperon!!! We had a lot of fun in the IMAX (a first for both Talon and I), we loved reaching out to try and catch the "Sea Monsters" and ducking so the "Sea Monsters" wouldn't run into us, lol! If you haven't ever been there, your kids would LOVE it!!! I would definitely pay for a family membership to this place before I would for the Children's Museum, any day. A lot of great Indiana history there, just a lot more interesting to me than the handful of times I've been to the Children's Museum! Anyways, we really had a great time and I would love to go back and take Keegan, Kallee and Jerry (my Dad too, he would love the IMAX)!

Happy 10th Birthday Lane
Sunday was my nephew's 10th birthday, Lane that is! His mom (Elizabeth) invited us to my MIL's house to have a little party for him, but Jerry suggested everyone to come here, so...that's what they did. We had a nice time and hope Lane had a good time for his 10th! He is a HUGE Star Wars fan, so his Mom made that the theme for his party. She had the whole 9-yds. for the kids; plates, napkins, masks...
Darth-Vader aka Lane : )
L to R: Keegan, Courtney, Kallee, Talon & Lane
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I'm Lazy
Sorry that I have been so lazy this week, maybe I will get something posted tomorrow : ) I know you are all so anxious for that post aren't you?!?! HA!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Jr. Church Funnies
Yesterday in class, Bro. Gene was talking about miracles. He told the story about the 2 fish and 5 loaves...and when he said "there were 12 full baskets left after feeding everyone, what do we call that kids"??? One cute, blond-headed boy(Connor Davis) said, "LEFTOVERS"!!! We all thought we were going to laugh our heads half off when he said that! His daddy proceeded to say, "yes they are called leftovers, but I what I was really looking for was, MIRACLES"! Bro. Gene then asked if the kids if they had seen any miracles in their lives and of course all of them said yes : ) When he was talking about some of the miracles Jesus performed on people, he asked "what do we call all of those special things He did for those people"??? Once again, we laughed when several of the kids yelled out, "MAGIC"!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Luke
Happy Birthday Lane
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Fun Filled "Chonda" Night
WARNING!!! This post contains women in their pjs', so if you don't want to see it, find another blog to view!
Wow, what a great and fun night we had last night! The day didn't start off too well (see previous post), and I began to wonder if the Lord was telling me not to go, HA! I am SOOO glad I did go, what a blessing Chonda was to me! She hit every subject possible from; go-go boots, to the chicken dance, to the many downfalls/challenges in her "growing up years", to her recent depression problems, to all kinds of things about different walks of faith, hormones, to knowing YOU CAN make it with God's help...and the list goes on and on! All's I can say, is I wish my hubby would have went with me, I think he REALLY would have enjoyed it (even though he declares he wouldn't have)! One minute I was crying from tears of laughter and the next I was crying from tears of sadness. What a powerful story she has to tell! It is amazing to me, that God can use ANYONE who is willing to give of their time and talent to Him! Sorry if weren't able to make it, you sure missed out on a blessing! --It was great to have Michelle Krick in our row! I knew I had better mention that, or she'd be offended, HA! HA! --My sisters were all able to make it, even though the weather was awful! We all enjoyed the concert, and we enjoyed the scrapbookin' and snacks that followed. Along with my sisters and myself, there were 4 other ladies that joined us for scrapbooking. We were happy to have; Bobbie, Cathy, Kristi and Kathryn. Hope you all had as much fun and we did!
What NOT To Do On A Friday!!!
Here's a little lesson for you kiddies...don't swerve to miss an idiot that pulls out in front of you on slippery roads!!! Yep, you guessed it, that's what I did and here's where it got me. Some wonderful soul decided to pull out in front of me while I was heading South on 75 and he/she was pulling out from Avery Street. He/she decided it wasn't important to even stick around, so they drove off, leaving me in a light-pole, UGH! I called my hubby and asked him if he was ready for our van to go back into the shop, and he said "why"? I proceeded to tell him and he was VERY kind about it! He made sure he asked if we (Kallee & I) were ok and told me it would be alright. Wasn't that nice of him, especially since I smashed this very same van, two years ago, in the front, just on the driver's side. After that, the day only seemed to get a little better, and I mean a "LITTLE", AHHHH!!! I was then headed to pick up the boys from school and my wiper blades were all iced up, so... I stopped at the stop sign and proceeded to stick one leg and one arm out (to get the ice off, I promise that is all I was doing, hee, hee!) and my phone rolled off my lap and...I found it an hour later all smashed to pieces (at that very same corner, imagine that : ) Anyways, just a word to the wise and even the stupid ones like myself, DON'T try these events on a Friday or Saturday or Sunday or... If any of you feel the need to email me your home or cell #'s, I would REALLY appreciate it! I lost close to 200 #'s so...
Thank the Lord that we were able to get me a new, $150 phone for FREE!!! Yep, you read it right, free!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Chonda Concert...Here We Come
Tonight is the is the Chonda concert we have been waiting and waiting and waiting for it! I am so excited to go, my sisters are coming with me; Shirley from New Castle, Darlene from MI and Mary from Anderson! We will be meeting several friends there, so there will be a ton of laughs I'm sure. After that, we are heading to the school to scrap the night away, YEAH! We choose the the school cause there are a lot of tables, and us scarppers need our space, lol. If you all want to join us, you are welcome (even if you don't scrap)! We are ordering pizza, so bring some moola if you wish to have some and bring your own drink too. There will be lots of goodies there, but you are welcome to bring some more if you wish. Hope to see you there!
Happy Birthday Karson
Thursday, February 21, 2008
FCA Pet Show
Today was the much anticipated Pet Show, at FCA! The kids always enjoy this, and it is a great way to make $$$ for missions. This was Blake’s 3rd year for this event and he once again had a great turn out. It was TOTALLY INSANE there, kids jumping off the walls and no one could hear anything the kids were trying to say about their pet. This is a great event, but I feel could be enjoyed so much more, if the kids were under control, AHHHH!!! I know they are sooo excited with all the pets and all, but I couldn’t hardly get out of there fast enough : ) This was the first time the boys were able to take in a pet, we have had a dog and cat in the past, but nothing tame enough to take to an event like this. Keegan and Talon were VERY excited to take their new pet –a bunny—named Thumper. Daddy snuck off to Kirklin (while I was gone shopping) a few weeks ago and picked up this free rabbit and all the stuff needed to care for her. I don’t mind her, she is an outside pet and they (Daddy and the kiddos) will be taking care of her when needed. I had a few rabbits when I was growing up and always liked them, so I think it is a good pet for them. They don’t seem to be a “high-maintance” animal, so I can handle that. Anyways, it was an enjoyable thing for the boys to be able to participate in this way this year, but don’t know as if I will be dragging an more pets into such a crazy place next year, LOL!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Kallee's Learnin' Some New Songs
I feel it is VERY important for my kids to learn choruses that we sing at church, so I belt them out all the time so they will learn them. I was raised in a very small church, but boy could the few of us sing : ) We would literally sing 3 or 4 hymns and then 5,6,7… choruses. I recall the Holy Spirit coming and meeting in many, many of our services while singing those songs. I MISS THAT SOOO MUCH! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE our church, but I still miss hearing “Mom Fritz” belt out the alto and “Dad Fritz” belt out whatever part he felt like singing, LOL! God came in a very special way many times at “my home church”, with the service being complete singing. I know that we need the preaching too, but there’s just something about God coming during the song service, don’t ya think??? Anyways, today I was singing one of my favorites “The Windows of Heaven Are Open” (don’t know if that is the title of it or not???), and Kallee started singing with me. I would sing a few words and then let her fill in the blank, like this: “The windows of Heaven are ----, the blessings are falling -------.” There’s ---, Joy, Joy in my ----, since Jesus made everything -----.” When we got to the “old tattered garments part, she said “old tattered GARDEN”, LOL. And when we got to the “He gave me a robe of pure -----, she yelled out BLUE”. I just about cracked up, but bless her little heart she knew almost the whole song, just from me singing it over and over and over; in the car, in the house, at work, etc. Kids learn so quickly, let’s make sure it is good stuff we are singing and saying to them!
This Is What Happens to Little Girls When...
… they get up at 7:00a.m. (at least at my house)! The kids had dentist appointments this morning at 7:50, so it was a change for Kallee and myself to get up so early. I know, I know, you are crying huge tears for us, right? LOL! Anyways, since this was Kallee’s first time for a cleaning, I talked it all up to her last night and this morning. When we got there, she started asking “where’s my doctor, is it my turn?” They called Keegan back first and then Talon and then…they weren’t able to schedule her because they didn’t have her insurance info on file, UGH! Needless to say, she WAS NOT happy when we left without seeing the doctor and with NO new toothbrush and NO stickers either : ( She is scheduled for Thursday, so hopefully she will be excited then like she was today. –She asked me if she could watch her favorite Mickey Mouse Circus movie after coming home, so I said yes and told her to hop up on my bed and get all nice and warm under my covers. Evidentially she got to warm and snuggly, and this is how I found her awhile ago. Too cute!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Here She Is...Gracelynn Lee
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