Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween - 2008

We had fun tonight going around our town's square and to a local church's trunk or treat! Of course we got plenty of candy, I've already hid some little girl's candy : ) I know, I know, I'm such a mean Mom! This year we went with store bought costumes which is really different for us, because we usually have fun creating our own. I bought Keegan his on the sale rack after Halloween last year for $4.00 and gave it to him as a Christmas gift. Talon's was given to him a couple years ago but he is just now fitting into it and Kallee's was free off of free-cycle. If we do use store bought ones, we usually try to "spice them up" a bit, by coloring their hair or painting their faces or something. We had colored Talon's hair black for his Abe Lincoln costume earlier today, so we didn't need to do that. It sure made it nice, they were all ready to go within 10 minutes. Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!

Our Super-Heros (Keegan & Talon A.K.A. -- Bat-Man & Robin)

This was after we wenting Halloweening as she calls it, but I got the pictures out of order!

Kanga and her baby Roo


  1. Cute. Or cool or whatever (I'm sure the boys wouldn't appreciate "cute".) there ever a picture of that girl without a piece of gum stuck in the side of her mouth?!?! lol! And for future reference...this next kid of mine is NOT allowed to be given candy every church service!!!

  2. Sara --
    She's just like her Mama, I use to ALWAYS have gum in my mouth when I was little. Oh wait, I still always have gum in my mouth, HA! All I can say is...PAY-BACKS!!! : )

  3. Exactly what I'm afraid of. And I SOOO thought I didn't have to worry about that when we bribed her with canny and gum!
