Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Have We Been Up To???

Lots has been going on around here, so I barely know where to begin! I'll try to catch you up a bit:

Talon has earned another role (Mr. Pickle) in the Clinton County Children's Civic Theater. The next play, "Sideways Stories from Wayside School" is full of silliness and fun. If you are interested in seeing this show, it will be next week --Jan. 28th-30th. Call 765-654-6307 to order your tickets. His role isn't a huge role, so that has saved us LOTS of miles since he hasn't had to be to every practice, thank goodness : ) However, that will all change next week when he has to be there, EVERY night from 5-9, ugh! Tickets are only $5 each, come out and bring the family to this fun, filled play! --We have also been focusing on several of the events Talon entered for State Competition: Basketball, Clown Acting, Radio Programing, One-Act Play, Etc. As you can tell, he has been a very busy boy! I would like to say a HUGE thank you to our friend and neighbor Marlene, for helping him with his Clown Act! You are such a dear and we are SO thankful you helped us find Reggie, the clown! : )

Keegan has been busy "reading up a storm" for the "Read to Learn" program going on at school. His goal is to read 100 minutes/week, that way he can have his name entered in a drawing for a prize and to get his name put on the wall at school. He is enjoying reading and having me read to him! Thanks SO much to Mrs. Rose Fry for getting this program going at FCA, it has been a GREAT addition to our school!!!! --He has also been heading to basketball practice with Jerry every week and is excited that he is going to get to be a part of the junior bball team! Daddy told him if he would practice hard, he would get him a jersey and he could play on the team, that sure brought a smile to his face : ) The other schools that we have been playing has their younger boys on their junior teams, so Jerry has decided to start a junior team.

Little Miss Kallee is busy as a bee too! She spends her mornings watching her favorite movies while her Mama enjoys sleeping in : ) Her and I run errands together and are enjoying our time together. I know I miss my little princess when she heads off to kindergarten next fall : ( She enjoys reading with Keegan and I and drawing pictures. My goodness she has more pictures than an art studio, HA! She draws all them time! She is getting better at it too, you can actually tell it is a person : ) We will start working on her letters and numbers before too long, she already knows her shapes and colors, so I guess I won't have to teach her those! She already knows 8 of her letters due to knowing on how to spell her name AND knowing how to log into her own Webkinz account, ha! I got tired of running into the computer to log her in so, I wrote her info down on a piece of paper and she can do it herself, lol!

Jerry is busy as ever, going to work every night takes him away from us, but we are SO thankful for his job!!! We are hoping and praying that God will give him a day-shift position, but until that time... He helps out by teaching 2, boy's gym classes at school and he coaches our boy's basketball team. When he's not doing all that, he is busy around here keeping things in order. He is our Rotarian president this year, so he is busy with meetings and community events as well. --He bought a "new" car today that was a great buy for our budget. We are thanking the Lord for this purchase. It isn't a new car by any means, but it runs over 40mph and has reverse, lol! His poor old truck was on its last leg, and would only go about 40 and has not been able to be put it in reverse for a LONG time. When Keegan saw the car for the first time, he asked "does it have reverse???", hee hee!

I stay busy "trying" to keep the house clean, the laundry done and running the kids here and there. I honestly don't know how working parents do all this with a full-time job, ugh! I've been trying to list a few things on ebay to prepare for re-decorating our bedroom. I've been itching to take down the wallpaper and re-paint. Before beginning a project like this, I buy things here and there (on SALE) and try to sell as many of my "old" decorations. Our bedroom has been the same for 10 yrs. so it is time for a change : ) I am going to do it in an Americana theme, I think, ha! My MIL made us a queen size quilt for Christmas a year ago, so that will work perfect for our bedding. I saved some of my favorite decorations from when my kitchen was in Americana, so I've got that part started too. I'm trying to decide if I want to paint all the walls red or navy or what??? I have a chair-rail around the middle that I'm gonna paint a cream color that will match all of our furniture. I know this project won't be done for quite sometime, but it is fun to dream : )

Well I'd better stop rambling, but thought since I couldn't do a post with pictures, I'd try to get you caught up on our lives.


  1. You all are very busy people!!:) I so wish we were closer to the civic theater. It would be fun to come and see Talon perform. Also, I think my daughter would enjoy doing the plays. Thanks for updating!:)

  2. Mindy--Yes we are very busy, but I'm sure we would be bored to tears if we just sat around doing nothing, ha! I'm sure your daughter would have a blast being in the plays, Talon LOVES it all: the other kids, his directors, the whole experience!
