Sunday, February 21, 2010

What A Week

Wow, what a week it has been! We started off by going to a funeral of a friend of ours, so that wasn't a very good beginning to the week : ( On Tuesday we headed home from MI, so that pretty much sums up the day for that day. Thankful that we had a nice, safe trip home though! On Wednesday it was "catch-up day" and the day to finalize our orders for our school's sub sales. Everything had to be ordered and accounted for, so we could assemble them on Thursday. On Thursday we had an early morning meeting in Kokomo that went very well, thank the Lord! Once we were done with our meeting we headed to GFS to pickup some of the sub supplies and then off to Hobby Lobby to get the rest of the photo supplies for Talon's state competition. Once we got back from there, we enjoyed lunch with some friends (thanks Matt & Bobbie for going to lunch with us : ). This is something we rarely get to do with our friends since Jerry is on 2nd shift, but it was nice to go with them. After lunch I conned Bobbie into going to Lafayette with me to get the rest of the sub supplies, thanks a bunch for going with me it helped me a ton! I dropped Bobbie off and then headed to the school where the kids and I unloaded all the sub supplies; 180 lbs. of turkey, 150 lbs. of ham, 55 lbs. of salami, 1500 sub buns, and 960 slices of cheese, YIKES!!! We, the kids and I, headed into the kitchen and began to get everything ready for the "Grand Sub Assembly" : ) Around 5:30 some parents joined us and helped out a lot (thanks Bobbie & Cathy). At 6:00 the teens began to arrive and we started the process of assembling 1500 subs, whew! Some of us were there till midnight, ugh! I would like to THANK all the parents and teens/kids that showed up for this event, I REALLY appreciate your help!!! I would also like to thank Mr. Coleman for rewarding all those teens that diligently helped, with: "No homework for that evening" AND "you don't have to be to school till 9:00a.m. tomorrow morning", what a guy!!! : ) Needless to say, Thursday was a very full day/night, I was up from 6:30am to 1:30am! Friday was somewhat full, I headed back to Lafayette to get more sub supplies and then back to the school to get sub orders out the door and delivered. We had a lazy night Friday night with eating subs and watching a movie together as a family. --Saturday we were back at it again, up and out the door by 9:00 for our firs-time-ever...FCA Sports Tournament, YEA! Since I was "in-charge" of the ticket table, that meant I had to be there before everyone else, so... : ) We had a team cancel on us, but there were still 3 teams there to compete. We had a fun-filled day of Volleyball, Basketball, Table Tennis, Pace Bowl, etc. We took 2nd in Volleyball and 3rd in Basketball. I am proud of our kids, they seem to improve a little with each game they play! Our girls are really beginning to work together as a team and our boys, well...they are learning that they need to work as a team : ) They shocked us in their final game, they were down by 20 points after the first quarter and only lost by 7, WAY TO GO BOYS! --Today I stayed home with 2 kids that weren't feeling well and after my blood-pressure went wacky on me, I decided I needed a little extra time to relax too. Now that this week is over with, I look forward to a slower week next week, but time will only tell since we have had another 130+ sub orders come in, so... Have a great rest of the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for asking me to go with you...enjoyed spending some time together (even if it was work lol). Doesn't seem we get to do that much anymore. Maybe sometime life will slow down. But probably not.....Anyway I had a good time and Matt and I were glad to have lunch with you and Jerry as well.
