Tonight was the 2009 Rotary Officer Installation Banquet and since Jerry is the new President for the 2009-2010 year, we had to go. Not that we had to go, but that we wanted to go : ) He has been involved with our local Rotary Club for several years now, and thoroughly enjoys it! He has met a lot of great guys and gals while being involved with this group and because of that, he had made some friends for life! He was the Vice President for the term of, 2008-2009 and will take the President's seat in July of this year. I am not up on all this "stuff" but I try to do my part and support him when it comes to these types of things. I know he will do a very good job in this position and will go at it with his whole heart! I would like to wish him the best of luck with this new position! Please note: Most of the pictures turned out poorly because I didn't take my nice camera with me, therefore this is all I got, grrr!
Current President Doug Montgomery awarding Jerry for being the VP for Rotary
The Dist. Governor, Judy Hollander, swearing Jerry into his leadership position.
Jerry and the other new officers and board members getting ready to take their oath!
These guys were the entertainment for the night, they are a barbershop quartet from Lafayette, and they are called "Sound Sensations". They were REALLY good, we enjoyed hearing them!
This was an optional black tie affair,
so he would like to thank his friend Richard for the use of this tux!
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