Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Kallee's Got the Chicken Pox

Well it's official, our baby girl has the Chicken Pox. She told me the other day that she had something behind her ear, as she scratched it, but I took a quick look and said "it's a mosquito bite". Then she told pointed to her lip and said "somethings on my lip", I took a look and said "I don't see anything." I truly couldn't see anything, but she could feel it coming on : ) She also showed me a spot on her bottom and I assumed it was one of those pesky red dots she gets if she wears her Pull-Up too long, but... My MIL watched the kids for me earlier this week and told me she had a slight fever and I thought maybe she wasn't over the UTI she had last week, so I thought I would be calling the doctor for another round of antibiotics. Needless to say, when I gave her a bath the other night and was combing her hair, I discovered those tiny, red dots all over her neck. I then proceeded to say "I know why you haven't been feeling well and I know what you got too -- Chicken Pox"! She of course had no idea what she was in for, but proudly announced to her brothers, (with a smile on her face) "I got the chicken pox boys"! Poor thing hasn't been in too much pain, but I've been giving her medicine for the fever and medicine for the itching and have been covering her with cream to help the itching as well. We've started on the oatmeal baths, which she loves, and I love that it relieves the itching. Anyways, had planned going to MI for Father's Day this weekend, but I don't want to take her and have her spread these nice, little things. Jerry has volunteered to stay home with her, but I'm afraid that when it comes down to it, that we won't end up going. Until later, take care and if you want your kids to have the Chicken Pox, send them on over, HA!
Poor thing, this was the best smile she could give me : (
These pictures were taken right after she broke out with them, so there have been many new ones appear since then.

This one was taken later in the week, they are starting to look better! I think I counted around 60 some on the back of her neck alone.

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