Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

Today started out like any other Easter morning, with the kids waking up early to find out what was in their Easter baskets!  This is something that I always had as a kid and it is a tradition that I have kept alive with my kids.  They don't get big, expensive Easter baskets, just little buckets filled with goodies.  I don't put much candy in them since Mamaw always gives them a lot, but I do try and put things in them that they can use and will like.  Keegan got his first bottle of shower gel and deodorant, along with a few toys from the dollar store and some candy.  Kallee got a pair of bright orange sandals, some headbands, sidewalk chalk and candy.  Talon is getting older so I thought I would put a t-shirt from Aeropostale (his favoirte store) in his, along with his favorite candy.  See not much to them, but they love getting them and I love giving them : )  After the Easter basket fun was done and over with, it was time to eat quick so we could get to church early.  We had a great service, both our children and adult choirs sang and Bro. Mowery delivered the Easter message.  I'm sure his message was good, but since we were downstairs with our kid's class, we didn't get to hear it : (  I will probably go online and listen to it later.  Speaking of that, if you want to watch that service or any of our services, you can do so by going  This is a wonderful ministry that our church has been doing for quite awhile now and a lot of people enjoy it, especially the shut-ins and missionary's working in the fields. 

After church we headed home and ate a wonderful, Easter dinner with our family and friends!  We had around 25 of us here for dinner, so we had plenty of food and fellowship!  We had ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, broc. casserole, corn, homemade mac-n-cheese, 2 types of salads, rolls and...I only planned on 3 desserts, but when 6 of them entered through the door, I welcomed ALL of them : )  The 9 kids that were here enjoyed the Easter egg hunt afterwards, they were running around like wild children, HA!  All in all, we had a blessed Easter Sundy and are so thankful that our God LIVES!!!
Getting ready to dig into their baskets!
Look Talon, I now have my very own shower gel!
Talon had to look surprised at this, because he picked it out, lol!

Before heading to church!

The Cooper Family
Little Miss Meg entertaining us all : )
The silly sun was so bright she couldn't look up withour blinking : )
Meggie's first Easter egg hunt
Hurry, run quick if you wanna get more eggs : )
Talon being silly : )
Kerri found this egg, but was too short to do anything about it, so it was Janae that jumped for it and got it in the long-run : )
L to R (front row):  Janae, Kerri, Keegan and Kallee
L to R (back row):  Cameron, Talon, Karissa & Britnee
Checking out "the goods" : )

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