Friday, December 7, 2007

Keegan Funny

Today I was looking for a pair of boots on Ebay for Kallee and Keegan seen the title for a pair of them. Instead of sounding it out, he guessed as usual, grrr! He said, oh look they have a pair of Toyota Green Boots in her size, instead of Toddler Girl Boots. At least they all started with the same letter, LOL!


  1. Oh I am so totally annoyed with myself. I pulled out my phone to call you and tell you that Kohl's had an incredible boot sale yesterday should you need any. Tony must have called right about then b/c I didn't the call placed. I'm sorry!! :(

  2. Oh well, at least you thought of me : ) I am looking for some for Kallee, but I'm too cheap to spend $20 on them.
