Thursday, July 10, 2008

Famous Sayings by Keegan

Today I thought I would get my scrapbook stuff out and see what I could get done. That was a good thought, maybe tomorrow : ) While I was looking for some tickets stubs from the summer of '05, this is what I found instead.

Famous Saying by Keegan:

He thinks our cat is pregnick because she lays around all the time

He wonders why Laura Ingalls is eating with the “whippin’ spoon” (wooden spoon) on the Little House movies.

While praying, Keegan always asks God to “pretect us, keep us safe and keep your eye on us”.

Spull Feet Ahead = Full Speed Ahead

“Mom, you need to go pick your purple flowers, why I asked, are they dying? No they are all dirty” (because they were dying and all brown)

Karate Chot Tum = Karate Chop Them

"Tie my shoes on tight, it is really blowie outside, I don’t want the wind to blow them off".

Talon & Sissy sittin’ in a tree, KISSTUV (kissing)

When Dale Bailey was in the hospital, K. was really worried that Dale hadn’t had his lunch or supper the day of his surgery.

He said that God was up there making his “plant” for Dale, to live or not to live. (He meant plan).

His stomach isn’t in the right direction. It is going er! er! er! It is kind of this way (motions with his hands), kind of cock-eyed.

Keegan told me one morning while in bed with me, “I want my own choo-choo train when I go to Heaven”. I said “you do, why?” He said I want to be able to pull up to the wall with my train and pancakes and be able to pull a handle that will come down and dump syrup on my pancakes.”

He sings, “stop in the name of the Lord, before you break my heart”.

He was so excited when he talked with Nana on the phone, she told him Papa caught 2 hippopotamus’ in his trap (they were opossums).

Al-er-dries = Allergies (These are why he has the Bless Yous)

“How long have birds lived here? Have they lived since the olden days, like Daddy and everyone else?”

He was drawing at the office and asked me to draw grass for him. I told him I didn’t know how to draw. He suggested that I could take coloring classes. I said, “do you think they have them for my age”? "Sure he said"! He then said (as he was erasing some of the grass) I am doing this (erasing that is) to make the grass shorter.

He calls a coupon a Chew-Pawn

He said “I’m the only boy that bees nice to the girls. I will be the one getting all the kisses from them, cause I bees nice”.

He came screaming and crying in the house and said, “I’m finished with Talon, he is being a big, fat jerk! He just scared me and now he has his self locked in the barn”.

And I saved the best for last---

He was talking about Papa’s syrup…
“If you run out of syrup, you get these pipe things, you get a hammer and a nail and you put a hole in the tree. You gotta get a metal thing (spicket) and put it in the tree and then put the nice, clean bucket up. Before you do that, you gotta get a thing that goes brrrrr… (drill) and it will put a hole in the tree. You gotta get the big pan thing, brick and wood to make it in (the large boling pan). And get a metal thing, kind of like a door, to cover over the fire, so it won’t go on the ground. Get a metal thing that is long and hard so you can go pisss, pisss to stir the fire and break up the wood. Papa’s got everything in control about syrup. Actually you know what I do to help Papa with syrup, I helped dump the syrup in a bucket and it has to have a piner (clothes pin) with a cloth on it (used as a sive) to pour the syrup in. Very good Mom! You gotta have woods to make it in so people won’t copy you. If people start to copy you and start shooting arrows at you, we have to tear it down. That’s what someone did to Papa’s shack, so he had to tear the Sugar Shack down.”


  1. Those are so funny....But Janiece I gotta tell ya....Sounds like that papa is making moonshine....HAHAHA...

  2. Traci--
    You got that wrong, that is wine with his grapes, HA!

  3. I'd love to be a fly on the wall (or a bug on a tree) and hear the conversations between Keegan and Papa when they are out making syrup! lol!
