Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pray for Mom

As many of you know, this weekend my niece, Meg gets married. My parents were suppose to head down here today and then they were going to ride with us to Chicago for the wedding. I have talked with Dad several times this week and Mom has been having a pretty good week so far, until yesterday. When I called him this morning, he sounded really tired and told me Mom wasn't doing well again. He said she sleeps almost all day and night and when she does get up, it is only with his help that she can get where she needs to go. She can't hardly keep any food or drink down, therefore she is really weak. He also said sadly, "I don't think we will be making it to the wedding" : ( Of course this made me sad, but I can't imagine how sad it is going to make my sister, Shirley and her daughter Meg, when they found out that Mom & Dad won't be at the wedding. Mom put in a really bad weekend last weekend and it looks as if those bad days are just going to keep hanging around. Please pray for our family this weekend, as it is going to be a bitter-sweet time. We know Mom probably doesn't have a lot of time here with us on this earth, so please pray that God will comfort her as well. One more thing, it looks like the kids and I will be making an un-planned trip to MI next week, so pray that we will have a nice time while we are there. We know it may be one of our last trips we will get to be with Mom, so it is bound to be tough. Thanks for your prayers in advance!


  1. Janiece I feel so bad for you and your family. I pray you have a good visit while you're there.

  2. I'm so sorry Janiece! Let me know if I can do anything for you.

  3. You know I'm praying and thinking about ya'll. I, too, was feeling bad for Megan and her family today. Hang in there - you've got a great support system of wonderful friends and family - we're here for you!

  4. We will be praying for you! Sorry for your pain!

  5. Sorry to hear about your mom! I'll be praying for strength and peace for both of your parents. Keep us updated.
