Saturday, May 8, 2010

What Have We Been Up To???

Ok so we ended the month of April on a very busy note, and started May out pretty busy too!  We have been working our tail feathers off trying to raise $$$ for Internationals and what a time we've had!  The kids have been great troopers and have only complained very minimum about all the work that we have had to do to make this happen, lol!  We are very close to our goal, but...there are still 10 kids that need that extra boost to get them to Internationals.  If any kind soul out there would like to donate to our cause, let me know : )  --We hosted our first-ever FCA Mexican Dinner on the 30th and what a busy, exciting, stressful, successful event it was!  We started cooking around 10:00a.m. and didn't finish until just before the doors opened, at 5:00.  I did learn how to make Mexican rice and I learned it is a sloooow process to get everything just right.  Our Hispanic families did the majority of the planning, cooking and running of this event, and they did a good job!  Mrs. Gonzalez was the "commander in chief" and she did a swell job!  We learned a lot things and will we do our best to make it ever better next year.  Thanks to everyone that sold tickets, helped with the cooking and cleaning all are a great blessing to have as a part of our school!

The serving table
A few of the decorations

The next morning, Saturday, we began our restaurant key tag fundraiser, which ended up doing great with!  The goal that I had for each student was to sell at least 10 key tags.  This would have given them another $100 towards their expenses, but...some of them didn't reach that goal : (  Several of them did and I am very proud of them!  As a matter of fact, most of them that sold, sold over that 10 mark so... : )  I would like to say a HUGE thank you to my nephew Bob for helping us with this fundraiser, he was VERY generous to us and I truly appreciate it, and so do the kids!!!  If you need a fundraiser go check out his company and give him a call.   Go to:  After the fundraiser, we went out to lunch with my Bob and my great-niece, Miss Becca Rae!  Bob told us all about some of his next goals in life and we are really proud of him for going for it!  He is wanting to buy land and build a Community Center in Pendleton! What a great addition that will be for their community!!!  Right now he is using a building for the after school program, but his goal is to build a building and move the program over there.  He is not only allowing the kids to play sports, but he provides them with a snack and a Bible lesson and prayer!  He feels as if this is something God wants him to do, so I am praying that God will provide the financial and physical backing he will need!  Once lunch was over, he and Becca came to our house for awhile.  Of course Becca and Kallee were full of ideas to do and play and what a great time they had!

The girls playing beach

The girls "at the beach"!  This was actually my kitchen floor, but they were happy : )

I also tried something new this month, I cooked for our voting precinct poll workers.  Normally a neighbor of ours does the cooking, but she couldn't this year so...I did my best!  They said it was good, so we will see how good it was and if they ever ask me to do it again, ha!  It was for only 10 people so I felt like it was something I could handle.  Also on that day, we did our American duty and voted!  We were pleased with some of the winners and then not so happy with some, but at least we did our part and voted.

WOW, I can't believe it, but---my baby girl is 5!  Where on earth does time go???  Since Kallee's birthday was the 1st and we already had plans for the day...we decided she would get to pick where we would go for lunch after our school fundraiser.  It was nice that Bob & Becca were there, it made it a little more special for Kallee : )  Daddy had to work that day, so it was nice that we were at least able to have lunch together.  The evening of her bday, we had some friends that called and wanted to bring out her gift and said, "can we bring her a DQ ice cream cake too"?  Well of course I didn't say no, so...they brought her a Disney princess cake, yummy!  Thank you Scott and Kathryn for coming out and making Kallee's birthday special!  We are truly grateful for your friendship, we love ya friends!
"I want to open that present first"!
Keegan got her a Polly Pocket set

Talon helping her opening some of the packaging
Her yummy DQ cake!
Kalle with Scotty boy, A.K.A. Scott and Kathryn
Waiting on her cake to be cut
Showing off some of her gifts from them--lotion, jewels, a purse and dvd's

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