Sunday, October 5, 2008

Life Chain - 2008

This afternoon I had the privilege of participating in our counties "Life Chain". It was a gorgeous day for such an event, thanks to God for the beautiful sunshine! There were approximately 135 in attendance and 5-6 churches that were represented there. Kind of sad to think we have around 85-90 churches in Clinton County and ONLY 135 people participated, don't ya think?!? So you might ask; "what is Life Chain"??? It is a Pro-Life event in which thousands of Americans and Canadians participate, on the first Sunday in October. It invites the churches in each city and town to stand on a designated local sidewalk and pray for one hour, while holding one of the following approved pro-life sign messages:


This is something that was actually started in our county approximately 5 years ago, by our local Right to Life chapter. Since we no longer have a local chapter, The Knights of Columbus has taken the reigns of this event, and is doing a wonderful job!

In a minute's time, there were around 20 cars that passed. If you multiply that by 60 minutes, you are talking about reaching 1200 people with the Pro-Life message. That is only if there was one person in each car, which a lot of them had 2 or more. Just think, within an hours times, we probably reached 2500 people, if not more!!! To me that is amazing! With our election coming upon us, we sure needed this hour to focus on praying for America!

I know many of you are Pro-Life, but can I ask you this..."do your actions speak louder than your words, or do your words speak louder that your actions", when it comes to events like this??? I challenge each and every one of you, to find out where the closest Life Chain is to you, and take one hour and pray for God's direction and healing for our nation, in the years to come. You may go to to find out where you can participate next year or to to find out more details about this event!

The "key" scripture that is on the posters that we held was this:
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14


  1. B--
    Sorry there are NO pictures this time! It is kind of hard to stand in line and take pictures at the same time : ) When I was "in charge" of the event for our county, there WAS pictures taken by me. I know there was a lady there taking pictures, but I have no clue who she was. There was also a couple teenage boys taking pictures and recording us, for a school project (thought that was neat)! As long as they are not on the Debate Team and plan to "down" our efforts : )
