Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dear Anonymous

I'm sorry you feel the need to post negative feedback on my blog, I'm even more sorry that you don't have the nerve to to post using your own name! You TOTALLY missed the point of my Thank You post to those that DID help with our school auction! We have an EXCELLENT school, with EXCELLENT teachers and helpers, an EXCELLENT administrator, EXCELLENT students, as well as, EXCELLENT parents!!!!!!!!! However, our school is NORMAL and DOES have those that don't see the need to help out as much as some others. I also know that ALL other schools have these same situations, both Christian and public! --If you feel the need in the future to leave such negative feedback, please move onto someone else's blog, because I DON'T NEED YOUR INPUT! May the Lord bless you and help you with your negative spirit!

P.S. This is me being as truthful as I possibly can be!


  1. Oh dear - another one, eh? I agree with you, though, Janiece. There is no place for negative feedback on your blog. It is supposed to be a place where you can write your thoughts and hopefully get some positive input from others. After all, it IS your blog and you have the freedom to write whatever your heart desires. I didn't see your post as negative towards the school and what you wrote wouldn't cause me to look for another school. This person is going to find out that, like you said, ALL schools have issues. Obviously this is someone locally.

    So, anonymous, for the love of all that is good, at least have the guts to put your name with your comment - we all know that option is there. That's what I call cowardly!

  2. Michelle - Did you mean they must be local or loco? I think they would fit in both categories, LOL!

  3. Oh, Janiece. If I were you, I would adjust your comment settings to not allowing any anonymous comments. They'll have to use something besides that the next time.

  4. Hee. The only thing I'm snickering at is the fact that you definitely revealed your familiarity with eBay. eBay was the first thing that came to my mind when I read "negative feedback" I thought it was funny!

    The comment you're referring to, however, was not funny. Probably just someone trying to stir the pot.

  5. Let 'em stir baby! I will just shut the anonymous option off. This isn't the first time I've had a negative comment, is that a better way to say it? LOL! However, it is the first one I've replied too!

  6. Comment moderation can be a bit of a pain (I tried it too), but I've had a MUCH better time since I got rid of anonymous comments. Martha Going also recently had a really ugly mess on her blog with an anonymous idiot, so you're not alone. Don't let it ruin blogging for you.

  7. Angie - I'm going to try the moderation thing and see how it goes. I won't let this moron ruin the fun in having a blog : )

  8. WHEW Girl!!! Preach it!! Maybe Pastor Mowery could get you on the schedule some Sunday soon!! HA! Great post, though. Even worse than negative comments, what I have going on is lurkers reading and then posting about me on THEIR blogs!! Oh yeah, that's fun!
