Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pray for my FIL

If you would, I wish you would all pray for my Father-in-law, Reed. They took him to the hospital yesterday morning thinking he may have had a heart-attack, but they don't believe that is what it was. They kept him overnight for observation and have ran a ton of tests on him. They are thinking maybe a stroke of some kind, but still not for sure. I just talked with Jerry and he said they are taking him in for a couple more tests and hopefully they will be able to tell what is going on with him. He does have some memory loss, as of yesterday, he had totally lost Monday. However, he is doing well enough to play a little prank on the nurses... when they asked him what year it was, he replied (with a straight face) "1776"! I guess the nurses didn't know what to think, until he smiled and said "2008"! Anyways, if you could please pray for him and my MIL, Betty, she gets a "little" flustered when it comes to her hubby not feeling/doing well, so she needs prayer too. I will keep you posted. Thanks!

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