Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy 12th Birthday Talon

WOW, I can't believe it, but Talon turned 12 today!!! He entered this world at 1:53 p.m., just 38 minutes after I arrived at the hospital : ) He weighed in at 5lbs. 13ozs. and 19 1/2" long. He was sooo tiny and sweet! He arrived 3 weeks early, we were totally shocked! We figured it would be like the doctor said "most 1st babies don't come on time, so...". He has been our out-going, entertainer from the start! He is full of life and loves life (most of the time, ha : ). --We went to Sara & Tony's tonight so we could watch the "big debate" on their new internet something-or-other, it was pretty neat. We decided to take a cake along with us for Talon and make a night out of it. We had fun making memories; eating, hitting the pinata, watching those crazy politicians and playing music. The older kids are getting pretty good playing together, I see them becoming stars some day, ha! Thanks for having us over guys, we had fun! --Happy Birthday Bubby, we love you!

I Love You Bubby!

He got an ipod shuffle and some skins for it

How many Dad's does it take to hang a pinata?!? : )

Kallee's turn
Kerri's turn
Nae Nae's turn
Hit that thing Talon
This isn't the best picture, but I love the expression on his face -- it shows he is
putting his all in it!

Kailey helping Adalyn
Nae Nae was the winner, the one who knocked that poor donkey's head off : )
Jam session at The Derscheids
Talon playing his electric guitar
Kallee playing the keyboard : )

Brit playing her bass

Nae Nae playing her mandolin


  1. The look on Janaes face at the jam session is priceless. Happy Birthday Talon!!!! I know it is late, but hope you had a great birthday.

  2. Hey! Next time you are taking my picture to post on your blog, you could warn me :) I was going to say something else but now I've forgot what it was (that was BEFORE I saw my photo! argh!)

  3. Oh yeah, now I remember...I think it was so funny and appropriate that we McCain/Palin fans had a donkey pinata on the same night! loL! (donkey being the Democrat symbol...)

  4. Traci --
    I didn't even recognize the look on her face in that one picture until you brought it up, too funny! All night she looked so intent while playing, it was cute. She is doing great, I believe both the girls have pretty much taught themselves.

  5. Looks like he had a fun birthday. You're not old enough to have a 12 year old, are you? :) Wow! It doesn't seem possible!

  6. I don't think you know me, but I wanted to comment on the pinata photo! I love it! My husband is the one to always hang those things as well. He don't especially like it, but he does a great job! ;)
