Saturday, September 29, 2007

Kallee Funny

The boy's bedroom looked like a cyclone had struck it, so before they were allowed to do anything this evening, I made them clean it up. Talon usually does a REALLY good job organizing and cleaning under the bed, the closet, etc. On the other hand, Keegan has to be reminded SEVERAL times that it "isn't play time, it is cleaning time"! Once Keegan got in the mood to clean tonight, he decided he would pick up the living room too, I said GREAT! While cleaning it up, Kallee came screaming and crying her poor, little head off. I asked her what's the matter, she replied "Keegan mo-non (as she says it)!" Keegan had told her to leave the toys alone because he was cleaning them up, therefore she seen fit to call him a MORON. I told Keegan what she was saying about him and we had several good laughs over it. She's such a little stinker, but she's NOT a brat! I have determined she can be a stinker, but a brat WILL NOT be tolerated!!! : )


  1. HeeHee -- cute!

    Did you enjoy your trip?

  2. I can just hear her saying it :) Do you know how old I was before I realized my mother was saying, "cyclone struck it" rather than the whole phrase being a noun. I could never figure out what a cyclonestruckit actually was!?!?!?!
