too sore to try it any more : )
Talon, Kallee and Keegan
This was a really neat thing that the US Navy sponsored. It was a free ride, so that made it even better, ha! After riding it, the kids loaded up on all the freebies (water bottles, lapel pins, ink pens, pencils, etc.)
Kallee con-ed Papa into riding the ponies a couple times @$5.00/ride, ugh. When she finished her second ride, I told her that was enough and she looked at Papa and said (with her little finger pointing in the air) "just one more time Papa?!" What a little stinker, she knows how to get her way when it comes to Papa : )
This is the Little Red School House Museum that my parents had their wedding reception in.
The kids sitting in the desks in the Little Red School House. This school was actually used and it has a lot of the original items still in it (pot-belly stove, chalk boards, etc.). It has lots of old, old class pictures in it and lots of old memorabilia from Shepherd High School.
Sitting on the steps in front of the Little Red School House
Keegan the pirate, Kallee as Hello Kitty and Talon the clown. These were some of the free activities presented by the Michigan clowns.
Saturday night ended with fireworks on the north-side of Shepherd. This is something new since I was a kid, we never had fireworks in Shepherd, we had to go to a bigger town if we wanted to see any.
The final event of the weekend is/was on Sunday afternoon. It takes place down the center of town, it is the Maple Syrup Parade. It started at 2:30 and lasted about an hour, it was fun way to wrap up our weekend and head home.
This guy on stilts was walking over the top of everyone sitting/standing along the parade route. He is getting ready to step over Talon & Keegan in this picture.
This was the tail-end of the parade, it was from a local church. This guy made this little train out of trash cans, it was pretty neat.