Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Weight Update

Ok ladies, it has been one week since I started drinking water and walking or riding my bike and...according to my scales I have lost 6 lbs. I don't see how that is possible, but I weighed myself twice and that is what is said both times, so...I am still not really ready to believe that but it did about freak me out when I saw what it said. I am going to try and only weigh in once a week so I don't get too discouraged if I don't drop anything, but if I can get rid of 6 lbs. each week, that would be great (I don't see that that is possible, but...: ) I have been really good about only eating one plate full, no stacking or piling or anything like that, which I can't stand for food to touch anyways, so that hasn't been too hard. I have only had a few sweets and have been eating regular meals, no skipping or adding a meal either, ha. I have been able to ride my bike or walk almost every day in that week's time, except while sitting for 9 hours on our MI trip. I will try and keep you posted and I hope you will all do the same for me. Best of luck to all of you on this "fun" roller-coaster weight ride, lol!


  1. I started walking two miles a day.....yesterday!!! But I really do feel better so far. I don't have a scales at home though....that could be a blessing. I to have tried to cut back on my food intake but that is kind of hard for me. I don't eat breakfast normally anyway and a light lunch. So supper has always been my "big" meal. I'm not big on snacking either. So I guess I will wait and see what happens.

  2. Great job! You usually always lose more the 1st week or two then start tapering off. As of Friday last week I've lost 15.5 now.

    Hey, I just sent you an invite to my weight loss blog!

  3. You go girls, keep it going!!!

  4. Wow! That is aweome - 6lbs the first week! Keep up the good work. I keep telling myself I'm going to start riding my bike, but haven't done it consistently yet. Hopefully as soon as school is out and things settle down a bit I can.
