Saturday, April 5, 2008

Full Saturday

I started my day by taking Kallee to Isabelle's birthday party, which I will post some pictures later (when I get the time, HA). I met Jerry and the boys for a late breakfast and then I headed back to pickup Kallee. After picking her up, I headed to pick up Stanley Easley so we could go calling on our Sunday School kids. Jerry and the boys headed in the other direction, calling on another group of kids. After we finished calling, I headed home to begin preparing our snacks for tomorrow night's fellowship. We will be hosting tomorrow night, so I knew I needed to get the food under-way and the house cleaned up. With having company last night, the house wasn't too bad, but with 5 boys running in and out, the floors needed swept and mopped, so...I am off to
la-la land so I will be ready for church in the morning. Nighty nite and have a beautiful Sunday!

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